
Architecture for integrating the CYW43 driver (for the wireless on Pico W) and lwIP (for TCP/IP stack) into the SDK. It is also necessary for accessing the on-board LED on Pico W. More...


 Driver used for Pico W wireless.


#define cyw43_arch_lwip_check()   cyw43_thread_lock_check()
 Checks the caller has any locks required for calling into lwIP. More...


int cyw43_arch_init (void)
 Initialize the CYW43 architecture. More...
int cyw43_arch_init_with_country (uint32_t country)
 Initialize the CYW43 architecture for use in a specific country. More...
void cyw43_arch_deinit (void)
 De-initialize the CYW43 architecture. More...
async_context_tcyw43_arch_async_context (void)
 Return the current async_context currently in use by the cyw43_arch code. More...
void cyw43_arch_set_async_context (async_context_t *context)
 Set the async_context to be used by the cyw43_arch_init. More...
async_context_tcyw43_arch_init_default_async_context (void)
 Initialize the default async_context for the current cyw43_arch type. More...
void cyw43_arch_poll (void)
 Perform any processing required by the cyw43_driver or the TCP/IP stack. More...
void cyw43_arch_wait_for_work_until (absolute_time_t until)
 Sleep until there is cyw43_driver work to be done. More...
uint32_t cyw43_arch_get_country_code (void)
 Return the country code used to initialize cyw43_arch. More...
void cyw43_arch_enable_sta_mode (void)
 Enables Wi-Fi STA (Station) mode. More...
void cyw43_arch_enable_ap_mode (const char *ssid, const char *password, uint32_t auth)
 Enables Wi-Fi AP (Access point) mode. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_blocking (const char *ssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth)
 Attempt to connect to a wireless access point, blocking until the network is joined or a failure is detected. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_blocking (const char *ssid, const uint8_t *bssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth)
 Attempt to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID, blocking until the network is joined or a failure is detected. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_timeout_ms (const char *ssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth, uint32_t timeout)
 Attempt to connect to a wireless access point, blocking until the network is joined, a failure is detected or a timeout occurs. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_timeout_ms (const char *ssid, const uint8_t *bssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth, uint32_t timeout)
 Attempt to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID, blocking until the network is joined, a failure is detected or a timeout occurs. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_async (const char *ssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth)
 Start attempting to connect to a wireless access point. More...
int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_async (const char *ssid, const uint8_t *bssid, const char *pw, uint32_t auth)
 Start attempting to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID. More...
void cyw43_arch_gpio_put (uint wl_gpio, bool value)
 Set a GPIO pin on the wireless chip to a given value. More...
bool cyw43_arch_gpio_get (uint wl_gpio)
 Read the value of a GPIO pin on the wireless chip. More...
static void cyw43_arch_lwip_begin (void)
 Acquire any locks required to call into lwIP. More...
static void cyw43_arch_lwip_end (void)
 Release any locks required for calling into lwIP. More...
static int cyw43_arch_lwip_protect (int(*func)(void *param), void *param)
 sad Release any locks required for calling into lwIP More...

Detailed Description

Architecture for integrating the CYW43 driver (for the wireless on Pico W) and lwIP (for TCP/IP stack) into the SDK. It is also necessary for accessing the on-board LED on Pico W.

Both the low level cyw43_driver and the lwIP stack require periodic servicing, and have limitations on whether they can be called from multiple cores/threads.

pico_cyw43_arch attempts to abstract these complications into several behavioral groups:

As of right now, lwIP is the only supported TCP/IP stack, however the use of pico_cyw43_arch is intended to be independent of the particular TCP/IP stack used (and possibly Bluetooth stack used) in the future. For this reason, the integration of lwIP is handled in the base (pico_cyw43_arch) library based on the #define CYW43_LWIP used by the cyw43_driver.

As of version 1.5.0 of the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK, the pico_cyw43_arch library no longer directly implements the distinct behavioral abstractions. This is now handled by the more general pico_async_context library. The user facing behavior of pico_cyw43_arch has not changed as a result of this implementation detail, however pico_cyw43_arch is now just a thin wrapper which creates an appropriate async_context and makes a simple call to add lwIP or cyw43_driver support as appropriate. You are free to perform this context creation and adding of lwIP, cyw43_driver or indeed any other additional future protocol/driver support to your async_context, however for now pico_cyw43_arch does still provide a few cyw43_ specific (i.e. Pico W) APIs for connection management, locking and GPIO interaction.
The connection management APIs at least may be moved to a more generic library in a future release. The locking methods are now backed by their pico_async_context equivalents, and those methods may be used interchangeably (see cyw43_arch_lwip_begin, cyw43_arch_lwip_end and cyw43_arch_lwip_check for more details).
For examples of creating of your own async_context and addition of cyw43_driver and lwIP support, please refer to the specific source files cyw43_arch_poll.c, cyw43_arch_threadsafe_background.c and cyw43_arch_freertos.c.

Whilst you can use the pico_cyw43_arch library directly and specify CYW43_LWIP (and other defines) yourself, several other libraries are made available to the build which aggregate the defines and other dependencies for you:

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ cyw43_arch_lwip_check

void cyw43_arch_lwip_check ( )    cyw43_thread_lock_check()

Checks the caller has any locks required for calling into lwIP.

The lwIP API is not thread safe. You should surround calls into the lwIP API with calls to cyw43_arch_lwip_begin and this method. Note these calls are not necessary (but harmless) when you are calling back into the lwIP API from an lwIP callback.

This method will assert in debug mode, if the above conditions are not met (i.e. it is not safe to call into the lwIP API)

as of SDK release 1.5.0, this is now equivalent to calling async_context_lock_check on the async_context associated with cyw43_arch and lwIP.
See also

Function Documentation

◆ cyw43_arch_async_context()

async_context_t* cyw43_arch_async_context ( void  )

Return the current async_context currently in use by the cyw43_arch code.

the async_context.

◆ cyw43_arch_deinit()

void cyw43_arch_deinit ( void  )

De-initialize the CYW43 architecture.

This method de-initializes the cyw43_driver code and de-initializes the lwIP stack (if it was enabled at build time). Note this method should always be called from the same core (or RTOS task, depending on the environment) as cyw43_arch_init.

Additionally if the cyw43_arch is using its own async_context instance, then that instance is de-initialized.

◆ cyw43_arch_enable_ap_mode()

void cyw43_arch_enable_ap_mode ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  password,
uint32_t  auth 

Enables Wi-Fi AP (Access point) mode.

This enables the Wi-Fi in Access Point mode such that connections can be made to the device by other Wi-Fi clients

ssidthe name for the access point
passwordthe password to use or NULL for no password.
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)

◆ cyw43_arch_enable_sta_mode()

void cyw43_arch_enable_sta_mode ( void  )

Enables Wi-Fi STA (Station) mode.

This enables the Wi-Fi in \emStation mode such that connections can be made to other Wi-Fi Access Points

◆ cyw43_arch_get_country_code()

uint32_t cyw43_arch_get_country_code ( void  )

Return the country code used to initialize cyw43_arch.

the country code (see CYW43_COUNTRY_)

◆ cyw43_arch_gpio_get()

bool cyw43_arch_gpio_get ( uint  wl_gpio)

Read the value of a GPIO pin on the wireless chip.

this method does not check for errors setting the GPIO. You can use the lower level cyw43_gpio_get instead if you wish to check for errors.
wl_gpiothe GPIO number on the wireless chip
true if the GPIO is high, false otherwise

◆ cyw43_arch_gpio_put()

void cyw43_arch_gpio_put ( uint  wl_gpio,
bool  value 

Set a GPIO pin on the wireless chip to a given value.

this method does not check for errors setting the GPIO. You can use the lower level cyw43_gpio_set instead if you wish to check for errors.
wl_gpiothe GPIO number on the wireless chip
valuetrue to set the GPIO, false to clear it.

◆ cyw43_arch_init()

int cyw43_arch_init ( void  )

Initialize the CYW43 architecture.

This method initializes the cyw43_driver code and initializes the lwIP stack (if it was enabled at build time). This method must be called prior to using any other pico_cyw43_arch, cyw43_driver or lwIP functions.

this method initializes wireless with a country code of PICO_CYW43_ARCH_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE which defaults to CYW43_COUNTRY_WORLDWIDE. Worldwide settings may not give the best performance; consider setting PICO_CYW43_ARCH_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_CODE to a different value or calling cyw43_arch_init_with_country

By default this method initializes the cyw43_arch code's own async_context by calling cyw43_arch_init_default_async_context, however the user can specify use of their own async_context by calling cyw43_arch_set_async_context() before calling this method

0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_init_default_async_context()

async_context_t* cyw43_arch_init_default_async_context ( void  )

Initialize the default async_context for the current cyw43_arch type.

This method initializes and returns a pointer to the static async_context associated with cyw43_arch. This method is called by cyw43_arch_init automatically if a different async_context has not been set by cyw43_arch_set_async_context

the context or NULL if initialization failed.

◆ cyw43_arch_init_with_country()

int cyw43_arch_init_with_country ( uint32_t  country)

Initialize the CYW43 architecture for use in a specific country.

This method initializes the cyw43_driver code and initializes the lwIP stack (if it was enabled at build time). This method must be called prior to using any other pico_cyw43_arch, cyw43_driver or lwIP functions.

By default this method initializes the cyw43_arch code's own async_context by calling cyw43_arch_init_default_async_context, however the user can specify use of their own async_context by calling cyw43_arch_set_async_context() before calling this method

countrythe country code to use (see CYW43_COUNTRY_)
0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_lwip_begin()

cyw43_arch_lwip_begin ( void  )

Acquire any locks required to call into lwIP.

The lwIP API is not thread safe. You should surround calls into the lwIP API with calls to this method and cyw43_arch_lwip_end. Note these calls are not necessary (but harmless) when you are calling back into the lwIP API from an lwIP callback. If you are using single-core polling only (pico_cyw43_arch_poll) then these calls are no-ops anyway it is good practice to call them anyway where they are necessary.

as of SDK release 1.5.0, this is now equivalent to calling pico_async_context_acquire_lock_blocking on the async_context associated with cyw43_arch and lwIP.
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_lwip_end()

void cyw43_arch_lwip_end ( void  )

Release any locks required for calling into lwIP.

The lwIP API is not thread safe. You should surround calls into the lwIP API with calls to cyw43_arch_lwip_begin and this method. Note these calls are not necessary (but harmless) when you are calling back into the lwIP API from an lwIP callback. If you are using single-core polling only (pico_cyw43_arch_poll) then these calls are no-ops anyway it is good practice to call them anyway where they are necessary.

as of SDK release 1.5.0, this is now equivalent to calling async_context_release_lock on the async_context associated with cyw43_arch and lwIP.
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_lwip_protect()

int cyw43_arch_lwip_protect ( int(*)(void *param)  func,
void *  param 

sad Release any locks required for calling into lwIP

The lwIP API is not thread safe. You can use this method to wrap a function with any locking required to call into the lwIP API. If you are using single-core polling only (pico_cyw43_arch_poll) then there are no locks to required, but it is still good practice to use this function.

functhe function ta call with any required locks held
paramparameter to pass to func
the return value from func
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_poll()

void cyw43_arch_poll ( void  )

Perform any processing required by the cyw43_driver or the TCP/IP stack.

This method must be called periodically from the main loop when using a polling style pico_cyw43_arch (e.g. pico_cyw43_arch_lwip_poll ). It may be called in other styles, but it is unnecessary to do so.

◆ cyw43_arch_set_async_context()

void cyw43_arch_set_async_context ( async_context_t context)

Set the async_context to be used by the cyw43_arch_init.

This method must be called before calling cyw43_arch_init or cyw43_arch_init_with_country if you wish to use a custom async_context instance.
contextthe async_context to be used

◆ cyw43_arch_wait_for_work_until()

void cyw43_arch_wait_for_work_until ( absolute_time_t  until)

Sleep until there is cyw43_driver work to be done.

This method may be called by code that is waiting for an event to come from the cyw43_driver, and has no work to do, but would like to sleep without blocking any background work associated with the cyw43_driver.

untilthe time to wait until if there is no work to do.

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_async()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_async ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth 

Start attempting to connect to a wireless access point.

This method tells the CYW43 driver to start connecting to an access point. You should subsequently check the status by calling cyw43_wifi_link_status.

ssidthe network name to connect to
pwthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the scan was started successfully, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_blocking()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_blocking ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth 

Attempt to connect to a wireless access point, blocking until the network is joined or a failure is detected.

ssidthe network name to connect to
pwthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_async()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_async ( const char *  ssid,
const uint8_t *  bssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth 

Start attempting to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID.

This method tells the CYW43 driver to start connecting to an access point. You should subsequently check the status by calling cyw43_wifi_link_status.

ssidthe network name to connect to
bssidthe network BSSID to connect to or NULL if ignored
passwordthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the scan was started successfully, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_blocking()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_blocking ( const char *  ssid,
const uint8_t *  bssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth 

Attempt to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID, blocking until the network is joined or a failure is detected.

ssidthe network name to connect to
bssidthe network BSSID to connect to or NULL if ignored
passwordthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_timeout_ms()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_bssid_timeout_ms ( const char *  ssid,
const uint8_t *  bssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth,
uint32_t  timeout 

Attempt to connect to a wireless access point specified by SSID and BSSID, blocking until the network is joined, a failure is detected or a timeout occurs.

ssidthe network name to connect to
bssidthe network BSSID to connect to or NULL if ignored
passwordthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also

◆ cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_timeout_ms()

int cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_timeout_ms ( const char *  ssid,
const char *  pw,
uint32_t  auth,
uint32_t  timeout 

Attempt to connect to a wireless access point, blocking until the network is joined, a failure is detected or a timeout occurs.

ssidthe network name to connect to
pwthe network password or NULL if there is no password required
auththe authorization type to use when the password is enabled. Values are CYW43_AUTH_WPA_TKIP_PSK, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, or CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_MIXED_PSK (see CYW43_AUTH_)
0 if the initialization is successful, an error code otherwise
See also