
A wrapper around the lower level cyw43_driver, that integrates it with pico_async_context for handling background work. More...


 Low-level Bluetooth HCI support.


file  btstack_hci_transport_cyw43.h
 Adds low level Bluetooth HCI support.


const hci_transport_t * hci_transport_cyw43_instance (void)
 Get the Bluetooth HCI transport instance for cyw43. More...
bool cyw43_driver_init (async_context_t *context)
 Initializes the lower level cyw43_driver and integrates it with the provided async_context. More...
void cyw43_driver_deinit (async_context_t *context)
 De-initialize the lowever level cyw43_driver and unhooks it from the async_context. More...

Detailed Description

A wrapper around the lower level cyw43_driver, that integrates it with pico_async_context for handling background work.

Function Documentation

◆ cyw43_driver_deinit()

void cyw43_driver_deinit ( async_context_t context)

De-initialize the lowever level cyw43_driver and unhooks it from the async_context.

contextthe async_context the cyw43_driver support was added to via cyw43_driver_init

◆ cyw43_driver_init()

bool cyw43_driver_init ( async_context_t context)

Initializes the lower level cyw43_driver and integrates it with the provided async_context.

If the initialization succeeds, lwip_nosys_deinit() can be called to shutdown lwIP support

contextthe async_context instance that provides the abstraction for handling asynchronous work.
true if the initialization succeeded

◆ hci_transport_cyw43_instance()

const hci_transport_t* hci_transport_cyw43_instance ( void  )

Get the Bluetooth HCI transport instance for cyw43.

An instantiation of the hci_transport_t interface for the cyw43 chipset