Customized stdio support allowing for input and output from UART, USB, semi-hosting etc. More...


 Experimental support for stdout using RAM semihosting.
 Support for stdin/stdout using UART.
 Support for stdin/stdout over USB serial (CDC)


bool stdio_init_all (void)
 Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary. More...
void stdio_flush (void)
 Flushes any buffered output.
int getchar_timeout_us (uint32_t timeout_us)
 Return a character from stdin if there is one available within a timeout. More...
void stdio_set_driver_enabled (stdio_driver_t *driver, bool enabled)
 Adds or removes a driver from the list of active drivers used for input/output. More...
void stdio_filter_driver (stdio_driver_t *driver)
 Control limiting of output to a single driver. More...
void stdio_set_translate_crlf (stdio_driver_t *driver, bool translate)
 control conversion of line feeds to carriage return on transmissions More...
int putchar_raw (int c)
 putchar variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
int puts_raw (const char *s)
 puts variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
void stdio_set_chars_available_callback (void(*fn)(void *), void *param)
 get notified when there are input characters available More...

Detailed Description

Customized stdio support allowing for input and output from UART, USB, semi-hosting etc.

Note the API for adding additional input output devices is not yet considered stable

Function Documentation

◆ getchar_timeout_us()

int getchar_timeout_us ( uint32_t  timeout_us)

Return a character from stdin if there is one available within a timeout.

timeout_usthe timeout in microseconds, or 0 to not wait for a character if none available.
the character from 0-255 or PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT if timeout occurs

◆ stdio_filter_driver()

void stdio_filter_driver ( stdio_driver_t driver)

Control limiting of output to a single driver.

this method should always be called on an initialized driver
driverif non-null then output only that driver will be used for input/output (assuming it is in the list of enabled drivers). if NULL then all enabled drivers will be used

◆ stdio_init_all()

bool stdio_init_all ( void  )

Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary.

Call this method once you have set up your clocks to enable the stdio support for UART, USB and semihosting based on the presence of the respective libraries in the binary.

When stdio_usb is configured, this method can be optionally made to block, waiting for a connection via the variables specified in stdio_usb_init (i.e. PICO_STDIO_USB_CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS)

true if at least one output was successfully initialized, false otherwise.
See also
stdio_uart, stdio_usb, stdio_semihosting

◆ stdio_set_chars_available_callback()

void stdio_set_chars_available_callback ( void(*)(void *)  fn,
void *  param 

get notified when there are input characters available

fnCallback function to be called when characters are available. Pass NULL to cancel any existing callback
paramPointer to pass to the callback

◆ stdio_set_driver_enabled()

void stdio_set_driver_enabled ( stdio_driver_t driver,
bool  enabled 

Adds or removes a driver from the list of active drivers used for input/output.

this method should always be called on an initialized driver and is not re-entrant
driverthe driver
enabledtrue to add, false to remove

◆ stdio_set_translate_crlf()

void stdio_set_translate_crlf ( stdio_driver_t driver,
bool  translate 

control conversion of line feeds to carriage return on transmissions

this method should always be called on an initialized driver
driverthe driver
translateIf true, convert line feeds to carriage return on transmissions