static void | check_slice_num_param (__unused uint slice_num) |
static uint | pwm_gpio_to_slice_num (uint gpio) |
| Determine the PWM slice that is attached to the specified GPIO. More...
static uint | pwm_gpio_to_channel (uint gpio) |
| Determine the PWM channel that is attached to the specified GPIO. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_phase_correct (pwm_config *c, bool phase_correct) |
| Set phase correction in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_clkdiv (pwm_config *c, float div) |
| Set PWM clock divider in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_clkdiv_int_frac (pwm_config *c, uint8_t integer, uint8_t fract) |
| Set PWM clock divider in a PWM configuration using an 8:4 fractional value. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_clkdiv_int (pwm_config *c, uint div) |
| Set PWM clock divider in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_clkdiv_mode (pwm_config *c, enum pwm_clkdiv_mode mode) |
| Set PWM counting mode in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_output_polarity (pwm_config *c, bool a, bool b) |
| Set output polarity in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_config_set_wrap (pwm_config *c, uint16_t wrap) |
| Set PWM counter wrap value in a PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_init (uint slice_num, pwm_config *c, bool start) |
| Initialise a PWM with settings from a configuration object. More...
static pwm_config | pwm_get_default_config (void) |
| Get a set of default values for PWM configuration. More...
static void | pwm_set_wrap (uint slice_num, uint16_t wrap) |
| Set the current PWM counter wrap value. More...
static void | pwm_set_chan_level (uint slice_num, uint chan, uint16_t level) |
| Set the current PWM counter compare value for one channel. More...
static void | pwm_set_both_levels (uint slice_num, uint16_t level_a, uint16_t level_b) |
| Set PWM counter compare values. More...
static void | pwm_set_gpio_level (uint gpio, uint16_t level) |
| Helper function to set the PWM level for the slice and channel associated with a GPIO. More...
static uint16_t | pwm_get_counter (uint slice_num) |
| Get PWM counter. More...
static void | pwm_set_counter (uint slice_num, uint16_t c) |
| Set PWM counter. More...
static void | pwm_advance_count (uint slice_num) |
| Advance PWM count. More...
static void | pwm_retard_count (uint slice_num) |
| Retard PWM count. More...
static void | pwm_set_clkdiv_int_frac (uint slice_num, uint8_t integer, uint8_t fract) |
| Set PWM clock divider using an 8:4 fractional value. More...
static void | pwm_set_clkdiv (uint slice_num, float divider) |
| Set PWM clock divider. More...
static void | pwm_set_output_polarity (uint slice_num, bool a, bool b) |
| Set PWM output polarity. More...
static void | pwm_set_clkdiv_mode (uint slice_num, enum pwm_clkdiv_mode mode) |
| Set PWM divider mode. More...
static void | pwm_set_phase_correct (uint slice_num, bool phase_correct) |
| Set PWM phase correct on/off. More...
static void | pwm_set_enabled (uint slice_num, bool enabled) |
| Enable/Disable PWM. More...
static void | pwm_set_mask_enabled (uint32_t mask) |
| Enable/Disable multiple PWM slices simultaneously. More...
static void | pwm_set_irq_enabled (uint slice_num, bool enabled) |
| Enable PWM instance interrupt. More...
static void | pwm_set_irq_mask_enabled (uint32_t slice_mask, bool enabled) |
| Enable multiple PWM instance interrupts. More...
static void | pwm_clear_irq (uint slice_num) |
| Clear a single PWM channel interrupt. More...
static uint32_t | pwm_get_irq_status_mask (void) |
| Get PWM interrupt status, raw. More...
static void | pwm_force_irq (uint slice_num) |
| Force PWM interrupt. More...
static uint | pwm_get_dreq (uint slice_num) |
| Return the DREQ to use for pacing transfers to a particular PWM slice. More...