stdio.h File Reference
#include "pico.h"
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typedef struct stdio_driver stdio_driver_t


bool stdio_init_all (void)
 Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary. More...
void stdio_flush (void)
 Flushes any buffered output.
int getchar_timeout_us (uint32_t timeout_us)
 Return a character from stdin if there is one available within a timeout. More...
void stdio_set_driver_enabled (stdio_driver_t *driver, bool enabled)
 Adds or removes a driver from the list of active drivers used for input/output. More...
void stdio_filter_driver (stdio_driver_t *driver)
 Control limiting of output to a single driver. More...
void stdio_set_translate_crlf (stdio_driver_t *driver, bool translate)
 control conversion of line feeds to carriage return on transmissions More...
int putchar_raw (int c)
 putchar variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
int puts_raw (const char *s)
 puts variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
void stdio_set_chars_available_callback (void(*fn)(void *), void *param)
 get notified when there are input characters available More...